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Meet Candidate Marty Hogan - 21
Meet Candidate Marty Hogan
TO BE ANNOUCED, Check Back Soon for More Details
If you would like to stop by and meet us or give us a hand please do.
If you have any questions or want to talk please call me at 617-412-9822 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Let us know when and where you can help out
My Fellow Mill City Neighbors,
My wife, Christine, and I have the fortune to be surrounded by wonderful neighbors within our Centralville neighborhood. We are proud to call Lowell home.
However, sadly, we have also witnessed the troubles of our city grow over time.
Like every Lowellian, we face rising costs of living, streets and neighborhoods that are in disrepair, and a city that is losing the battle of attracting and keeping businesses and jobs here.
Over the past few years, unemployment has reached a record high. Homes across the city have gone into foreclosure, and crime has consistently been at the forefront of our city’s issues. Neighborhoods across the city have been affected by the past recession, and although the economic outlook has improved, our residents and businesses have not been able to get back on their feet.
Through it all, one fact is unmistakable -- City Hall has been stagnant with the same councilors making the same decisions and getting the same result.
It’s time for a change.
Lowell is a city of great history, rich with traditions and culture. Ours has been a city of building industry, innovations, and most recently a center for educational growth. All of this has been achieved as a direct result of the hard work and talents of many generations of Lowell residents. And, the future of all of these achievements hangs in the balance of the decisions we make today.
Today’s residents of Lowell work just as hard as their ancestors and deserve to be represented by a councilor that will represent them with just as much vigor. Lowell needs and deserves a councilor who treats all the neighborhoods of Lowell equally and who lends an open ear, eager to listen to the problems and concerns of all its residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lowell needs and deserves a councilor to tell it like it is and work every day to better the lives of every resident.
I pledge to be that councilor and I respectfully ask for your support.
How will I accomplish all of this as your city councilor?
- I will be a driving force for representation for all, a fresh new voice that will stand up for all the people of Lowell and for all of our neighborhoods.
- I will work to bring to and keep new businesses in our city.
- I will strive to increase the number of jobs in our city and to reduce the number of unemployed Lowell residents.
- I will make it my priority to make our city a leader in economic growth, a city of great educational opportunity, and a safe and affordable place where all residents will want to remain for generations to come.
- I will work to lead our city to a brighter future.
If given the chance, with your vote, I will establish or restore your faith in our city government. The city council is the people’s voice and is out of touch with what the voters want and need. With your vote, I will humbly work in representing you, my neighbors and friends.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas please feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I want us all involved in our city's future, and I need your help to achieve these goals. To get Involved please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you,
Meet Candidate Marty Hogan
Meet Candidate Marty Hogan
Thursday (10/10): 7-9pm Meet & Greet Market Basket Bridge St. Market Basket
Friday (10/11): 5-9pm Meet & Greet Market Basket Bridge St. Market Basket
4:30-6:30 PM Standout Bridge Street (Corner of 110/VFW and Bridge Street) Meet at Dunkin Donuts
Saturday (10/12): 8:30 - 11am Meet & Greet at Market Baskets (Wood St./Bridge St./Fletcher St.)
Sunday (10/13): 8:30 - 10am Standout Corner of Nesmith and Andover Streets
If you would like to stop by and meet us or give us a hand please do.
If you have any questions or want to talk please call me at 617-412-9822 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Let us know when and where you can help out
Memorial Day 2019
To all that died in service to
our country, Thank You!!!
Hogan for Lowell City Council Kick-Off Event
April 25, 2019 - (978) 455-8806
Marty Hogan for Lowell City Council Announces Bid for Lowell City Council and Kickoff Event
Pledges to be a fresh new voice for neighborhood issues, smarter development for city
LOWELL –Marty Hogan, a resident of Lowell's Centralville neighborhood, officially announced
today that he is running for a seat on the City Council.
In announcing his candidacy, the Hogan Committee announced the Kick-Off Event on Monday, May 13th, From
6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Dom Polski Club located at 10 Colburn St. Marty is proud to have this event located here
as his starting point as he and his wife Chris live at 3 Wachusett St. in the Centralville Section and as it is also
the home to the Centralville Neighborhood Action Group (CNAG), of which he has been active member and currently the E-Board Secretary.
Marty pledges to be a stronger voice for neighborhood interests
and vowed to provide better representation for tens of thousands of Lowell residents whose
priorities are often overlooked by city councilors.
"It's no secret that Lowell's city councilors mostly represent a small portion of the city, and
it's no wonder why there are under-represented sections that receive a disproportionate share of attention," said
Hogan. "That's great for the people who live there, but it leaves the majority of residents who
live elsewhere without a seat at the table when important decisions are being made. I want to
bring a new perspective to our City Council, one that focuses on neighborhoods like the one I
live in. I will be a fresh new voice for all the people who live in Lowell and for all their
important views and concerns, most especially public safety."
Hogan also believes it is important for Lowell to improve the way it addresses community
development. "I want to start a new conversation about the future of our city that focuses on
infrastructure improvements instead of just looking for the next deluxe project to build," he said.
"I've seen first-hand the success cities like Boston have had with developing empowerment
districts for their growth. I want to look at some of those models for Lowell to make a better,
more intelligently-planned future for our city."
Hogan says he intends to be one of the first candidates to take out nomination papers when they
are made available by the City Clerk, and that he plans to wage an energetic
campaign throughout the rest of the year. "I look forward to meeting lots of new and familiar faces
throughout our neighborhoods and talking with them about ways we can improve our city,"
Hogan said. He plans to host an official campaign kickoff event later this summer.
For more information about Marty Hogan and his campaign, please visit
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Thank You!
Dear Supporter,
Thank you for signing up for our campaign updates by email.
Marty Hogan
Candidate for Lowell City Council - District 2, Centralville
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Clean and Well Kept Streets
I care very much about the quality of our Centralville Neighborhood. We have waited far too long for all of our streets to be identified and respected by our city. We all want and deserve clean, well-lit and safe streets. I will make it my prerogative to make available the overdue road repair, utility maintenance and street cleaning and to provide the needed funds in the city budget to make these repairs mandatory and regular occurrence in our section of Lowell.
Public Safety
In the last several Years we have seen the continuous brown outs of our district's fire apparatus and coverage. In this time when our neighborhood is growing, not only in population, but also in the number and size of properties, it is increasingly important that we have a fully staffed, fully updated and fully prepared Fire Department. Additionally, our Police Department needs to be upgraded and we need to have more coverage in Centralville. I will work to make sure that both department are properly budgeted and supplied effectively to combat all the public safety issues facing our community.
Economic Development
Economic development is essential to the future of our city. Our ability to encourage quality economic development is based in the opportunities and infrastructure we provide to prospective commercial taxpayers and companies.
I believe our Centralville section of the city needs to start a new conversation about our future and how we go about enticing wanted and needed development and revitalization. We need to focus on infrastructure improvements instead of just looking for the next luxury project. Our district is ripe for economic development and I want to work with our neighbors, business owners, and community groups to make that a reality.
I've seen first-hand the success cities like Boston have had with developing empowerment districts for their growth. I want to look at some of those models for Centralville to make a better, more intelligently-planned future for our neighborhood.Preventative Maintenance
We need to add funding for preventative maintenance for all municipal buildings, especially ones that are located in our district, that have been neglected. I will work to put this needed funding into the city budget immediately. We can no longer afford to use our properties as disposable entities. We need to be able to maintain and restore legacy and historic buildings to their original or to an updated capacity. Our district Fire/Police Stations and School buildings need to be updated and continuously maintained. On day one I will introduce a resolution in City Council to add these needed and long overdue projects as a line item into the FY 2023 and 2024 budgets.Under-employed and Homeless Epidemic
We as a community face more than our share of transiency and homelessness. Not only do the encampments project a disregard for our natural and historic areas, but the poverty-stricken people whom inhabit them have been left behind by our city.
As an employee of a non-profit firm that works with underemployed and unemployed mentally and physically disabled adults, I have seen first-hand the need for workforce training and education, and I've seen how helpful these programs can be to support a vulnerable class within our community.
As your district city counselor I will work with our various community agencies who have already started this important work. I will strive to bring and increase the funding and resources needed to establish new employment opportunities and employment skills training in our community. I will advocate for a public/private initiative for the city to provide economic stability to people who need it. Additionally, I will endeavor to establish a new center for homeless services and jobs training center in our own Centralville neighborhood. We need to be able to face our failings, and help the homeless, mentally ill, and our disabled, especially our veterans and service community members. There will always be afflictions and epidemics that will face our community, however, we need to work to eradicate as much as humanly and humanely possible. Municipal Governance
The first step in better municipal governance was the creation of these new City Council Districts and establishing a hybrid City Council. This change will give us the ability to affect the way we run our city and will let many of the street by street. Each of our neighborhoods has its own set of needs; street repair, lighting, recycling and trash disposal, sewerage waste disposal, and other quality-of-life issues, and as your Centralville District 2 City Councilor these quality-of-life issues will always be addressed quickly and by someone who lives within our unique geographical area.
Additionally, I believe that as our city grows, so increases the need to have a strong elected mayor as the municipal executive. The current City Manager is appointed by a majority of the city councilors and is therefore not directly responsible to the people they serve. This transition would better suit our ever-evolving and growing population and I will work to make sure this is addressed as your first Centralville District Councilor.
LTC-Lowell Sun City Council Debate Questions
Marty's Radio Commercial on 980 WCAP
Marty's Radio Commercial on 980 WCAP: